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  • Adult Classes are held during the daytime and evening all year.

  • Children’s Classes run from September through June. Summer Classes and special workshops are held during July and August.

  • Parents are invited to attend two special Student Observation Classes during the year to see the work that has been accomplished, and for individual conferences with the teachers.

  • Holiday Schedules available at the school. Call the school for information during extreme weather conditions.

  • Attendance and Tuition: Missed classes can be made up only during the enrolled series. School vacations are not subject to make up. Check with the school for specific tuition.

  • Refunds, Credits, or Adjustments: will not be given. There is no contract or registration fee. HK Dance Studio reserves the right to cancel or reschedule classes.

Dress Code:


Girls- ballet ages 2-5 all pink,

Older Students- Black leotards, pink tights, appropriate shoes, hair tied up off the face. No Tutus, or oversized shirts.

Boys- Black Jazz pants or shorts, t-shirts, appropriate shoes. Black Leotards & tights for all other subjects. Children’s clothing should be labeled with student’s full name.


The school is not responsible for lost or stolen articles.

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