Adult Classes are held during the daytime and evening all year.
Children’s Classes run from September through June. Summer Classes and special workshops are held during July and August.
Parents are invited to attend two special Student Observation Classes during the year to see the work that has been accomplished, and for individual conferences with the teachers.
Holiday Schedules available at the school. Call the school for information during extreme weather conditions.
Attendance and Tuition: Missed classes can be made up only during the enrolled series. School vacations are not subject to make up. Check with the school for specific tuition.
Refunds, Credits, or Adjustments: will not be given. There is no contract or registration fee. HK Dance Studio reserves the right to cancel or reschedule classes.
Dress Code:
Girls- ballet ages 2-5 all pink,
Older Students- Black leotards, pink tights, appropriate shoes, hair tied up off the face. No Tutus, or oversized shirts.
Boys- Black Jazz pants or shorts, t-shirts, appropriate shoes. Black Leotards & tights for all other subjects. Children’s clothing should be labeled with student’s full name.
The school is not responsible for lost or stolen articles.